ignore my tag. LOL i manage to figure out the email & pwd already ((:
okay, like what Ms Chang mentioned today.....
Graduation magazine thing.
so, any pictures to contribute? hmmmm. i've got the last year Racial Harmony Day class picture with Mr Nair @ the La Vista(remember?) & the learning journey to Marina Barrage with Miss Chang's one.
& for sec 3...... did we take any classphotos? i think yes. i need to dig out photos.
how about, someone bring camera to school one day.
and we take more class photos?
hmm. suggestions please (:
& i think i'll photoshop those pictures before submitting them to Miss Chang on tuesday, any objection? LOL =X
still thinking about it though :S
tuesday, kind of rush ya?
quick people, contribute suggestions :D
make our page the nicest of the nicest. LOL! =X
nothing much. i'm too bored.
maybe i'll come out with a new blogskin real sooon (:
if teachers stop giving homeworks for one day
*hinting hinting*
nothing much, i'm just trying to save this blog from rotting off. LOL
alright, i'm done with my work. :D
some people update please! (: